To schedule an appointment, call/text 626-808-1114
Please download and complete both forms prior to your appointment.
Initial Visit
For your initial visit, we complete a medical history review, blood pressure, photos, periodontal probings, oral health cancer screen, and regular cleaning (30 mins to an hour) if deep cleaning is needed a patient can break up the appointment or it can be done in one day depending on the case and can take one to three hours. Payment is taken on the day of visit.
Dental Cleaning
We provide thorough dental teeth cleanings. We do prophylaxis services, periodontal maintenance and provide deep cleanings. We offer numb gel for patient comfort but do not give injections for numbing.
Oral Health Instruction
Oral Hygiene instruction is catered to each individual. On the day of your visit I evaluate your current dental hygiene habits and recommended or modify tools to help you achieve better oral health.
Fluoride Treatment
Two types of fluoride will be provided if needed. One, fluoride varnish is a preventive approach to protecting the teeth from everyday acids. Varnish helps to reduce the chance of getting cavities and is easily painted on each tooth. Varnish seals up the teeth for about 3 months and helps with sensitivity. Two, silver diamine fluoride will be indicated if there is active cavity. This is painted on the tooth to stop the cavity from progressing. If any cavities or dental abnormalities are found during your cleaning you will receive a referral slip to see a dentist office for further treatment.
Dental Hygiene Exam
During your visit we do not use any radiation. We do an oral evaluation of your tooth mouth and as previously stated if we find any abnormalities we make a note and you will receive a referral slip to see a dental office.
Consultation Oral Evaluation
Everyone is different so every consultation is different. We evaluate your current oral health and establish what type of cleaning or dental medicaments are indicated for your personal care.
Periodontal Measurements
At every visit we measure the bone around the teeth. We work as a team to make sure you have low pockets and low bacteria present in your mouth so you can live a better life.
Saliva Sampling
In cases of halitosis (bad breath) or high persistent periodontal pockets we may do a saliva sample. We send your sample to a lab and find out exactly what bacteria is present in your mouth. The information allows us to start an antibiotic to kill off those specific strains. All patients will have a pH test and will be provided with information on how to have a neutral pH.
Oral Health Cancer Screening
An extraoral and intraoral screening will be performed at every visit. According to the American Cancer Society’s most recent estimates for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in the United States for 2018: About 51,540 people will get oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer. An estimated 10,030 people will die of these cancers.